Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday: Campus and Clubbing

Wednesday I spent some time in the library, and around campus. After studying, I went to the NUS student store to buy some souvenir shirts for my family. The sizes were so weird! The small and extra small were like child sizes because Asian women are so much smaller than American women. Plus they were out of a lot of sizes so it took me a while to find what I needed, but eventually I did. The store was much smaller than the UNC student stores and they didn't even take my Visa card! I had to have them hold my stuff while I got more cash. Hopefully my family enjoys their new NUS attire though!

The Central Library

NUS Campus

NUS Campus, the yellow ceiling indicates the 'common level' or ground floor. Because the campus is so hilly, sometimes when you are walking form one building to another you end up on different floors. Following the yellow ceiling leads you to the common level.

NUS Campus, The Forum

NUS Campus

Later in the evening a bunch of the girls and I went out clubbing because Wednesday night is ladies night in Singapore! Most of the clubs let girls in for free, which is a nice change from the S$30 cover charge all the other nights of the week. We had a little mix up at the beginning when we were separated from some of the other girls. It wouldn't have been a big deal except Lisa, who we lost, put her ID in Olivia's bag. Additionally our cab driver informed us that The Butter Factory, the club we were going to, was not in the place we thought it was in. He took us to the right place, but we had no idea if the other group would find the right place or not! Eventually they found us at the Butter Factory and we got the issue resolved. The Butter Factory was a lot of fun, but we had heard that Zouk was one of the best clubs in the world, so we wanted to check it out! Zouk was great also, and because it had multiple rooms each with a different type of music, and was really big, it was not as crowded as The Butter Factory, which was really nice! Here are a few things I learned from clubbing in Singapore:
  • Both clubs were playing American songs that we all recognized; apparently American music is much more popular than Singaporean music, even in Singapore.
  • Singaporean boys and girls are much more timid than Americans. We were basically the craziest ones there, and we are not crazy AT ALL by American standards! At The Butter Factory, we were the first ones on the dance floor, and then the Singaporeans followed.
  • Singaporean dancing is not really dancing, its more of a slight swaying back and forth
  • Singaporean boys don't ask girls to dance, they kind of just dance around the girls and hope that they will make the first move, which never happens. The only guys that danced with any of the girls in my group, were European or American.

Heather, Olivia, and I outside of the Butter Factory

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