Monday, May 7, 2012

Documenting My Trip

Studying abroad in such new and exciting places in a unique program like SEAS is really a once in a lifetime experience. Therefore, I want to document it as best I can! I have a couple methods that I have in mind. Time will tell how these work out!

First, my boyfriend, Michael, bought me a Moleskine travel journal. This journal is more meant to document all the trips one takes in their lifetime in a broad context instead of one trip in detail. There are sections for weekend trips, short trips, and long trips (along with a TON of other useful travel information). I am planning on using this once the trip is over to document the main attractions and other information that would be useful if I ever was to go back again!

Second, my mom bought me an adorable Vera Bradley journal! I really like it because the pattern has these cute little elephants that remind me of Thailand. This journal has plain lined pages and a pocket in the back for little keepsakes. I am going to use this for daily things, to jot down things throughout the day and to write about my experiences on the go before I forget! I am hoping for this to be my all-in-one folder of sorts (even though its a journal) for my entire trip. I copied down all the information I received at the SEAS orientation and the Go! Global Orientation into this journal already. I even made mini copies of some of the important documents and taped them in there. This will be my all-in-one reference guide and journal for the trip!

Of course, how could I possibly go abroad without a camera! I am bringing my Sony Cybershot camera. It has 16.1 megapixels and it shoots pretty decent pictures. I also have a large memory card already which will no doubt be needed. I am going to take as many pictures as possible; probably annoying everyone around me, but that's not a big deal.

Last, of course I have this blog! I'm hoping to update it a few times a week or more with the highlights of what I've been up to and the best pictures so that my friends and family can stay updated on my life even though they can't call me.

I feel like these 4 methods will be enough to ensure that I am capturing every memory! If anyone has any suggestions for ways to improve these ideas or has any new ideas, please let me know!