Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Immigration and Checkpoint Authorities

Today we had to go to the Immigration and Checkpoint authorities or ICA to get our student passes to be in Singapore. It was the longest day EVER! My appointment wasn't technically till 3:30, but I had to get there at 1:00 with everyone else, because members of my groups had appointments all throughout the afternoon. And then I just had to sit there, and wait, forever. It wouldn't have been so bad if we had been able to eat lunch. But we couldn't, so it was just painful. My number was finally called at 3:00, a little bit early, which was good. Luckily all my papers were approved with no problem. Just when I thought I was done, I realized I had to wait another hour to get my card (Ughh)! I passed the time by doing some of my homework, and also doing people's hair with Maili!

I learned how to do a fishtail braid and I chignon, so I would say it was a productive afternoon. Finally I got my card! So now I am legal to stay in Singapore and I have a cool card to prove it.

We were all so tired and hungry after the long afternoon so Professor Tsin took us to dinner! We went to a chinese restaurant in Bugis Station. The food was great (especially after not eating since breakfast). We all left 100% stuffed. The Station itself was very cool also. There were many little restaurants and food stands selling all kinds of asian goodies. I was too full to even think about getting dessert, but maybe I can go back and give asian dessert a try!

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