Friday, June 1, 2012

Where I'm Living in Singapore

For my time here in Singapore I'll be staying in the Prince George's Park Residences on the Campus of the National University of Singapore. I have my own room and bathroom and I am living on a floor with 12 other girls from the SEAS trip. My room is pretty nice, however there seems to be a bug infestation that is less than thrilling.

my room

The PGP Residences have very nice amenities. There is a mini super market and four places to eat right here in our dorm community. This is very different from UNC because there, we have two dining halls for the entire school! US SEAS participants were lucky because we are living in one of the only two air conditioned buildings in the residence, and there are 6 buildings! I don't know how the other students live without air conditioning! It is so hot! I would probably insist on being shipped back to America, or sleeping in the library, if I didn't have AC (or as they call it in Singapore, air con).

the Prince George's Park complex

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