Sunday, June 3, 2012

Holland Village

A really nice Singaporean who has studied at UNC and had relationships with many of the SEAS groups in the past took us to Holland Village for dinner on friday night. Holland Village is basically the original enclave for expatriates from Europe, so it has a very western vibe. Many of the people walking around were white (which is weird here) and the variety of restaurants lining the street was close to something that could be found in America.

I ended up eating at a Lebanese restaurant and had a good chicken salad. Unfortunately I didn't get to explore the area much because after eating Yongmin (our Singaporean friend) took us to a really cool Ice Cream place, called The Daily Scoop! The had really unique flavors. I got ginger ice cream, and it tasted like a spicy gingerbread cookie..yum!! I was exposed to a new fruit while I was there: Durian. Apparently its popular in Southeast Asia? One of Yongmin's friends got it and it smelled DISGUSTING! But of course, I had to try it. It didn't taste that bad actually, but I would never order it. 

Holland Village was definitely a neat little area. Hopefully I will have more time to go back and explore for a bit. There are supposed to be some trendy cafe's and asian art galleries that I think I would enjoy.

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