Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Smooth Sailing

Well not actually... during the flight to Frankfurt and to Singapore I experienced some of the worst turbulence ever! However it would only be for short periods, and on a 12 hour flight, 5 minutes just doesn't seem very long.

Overall, the flights were much better than I expected. I was on the Singapore Airlines A380, which is the largest passenger airplane in the world! It is a double decker, and I was on the second story! I was lucky enough to get an aisle seat. Additionally I was in the first row of my section, which meant while I couldn't keep my carryon luggage in front of me at all times, I got plenty of legroom.

The A380 before take off in JFK

I was so impressed with the airlines! All of the flight attendants were wearing long, tight, blue dresses with an oriental print on them. They also had their hair up in fancy buns and chignons and were wearing red lipstick and full makeup. It has got be to difficult to look that nice for the entirety of a 12 hour flight!

The Singapore Airlines flight attendants 

Even though we were in Economy, we were treated very well. We received hot towels at the beginning of each flight and whenever was deemed "morning". We all got nice blankets and pillows, socks, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and headphones (the comfy kind) for our own personal entertainment system that was complete with games, music, movies, TV, and tons of other features like city guides and a "learn a language" app. We were fed two meals on each leg of the flight and they were superb! I had everything from fish to steak to funny egg noodles, and it was all great! I hardly ever felt hungry.

I tried to stay awake for the entire flight to Germany so that I could sleep as much as possible on the flight to Singapore. My plan worked for the most part, although I was still exhausted when we stepped off the plane in both locations.

The airport in Frankfurt was ver similar to airports in the United States, the only thing different was that people were speaking German and the Euro was used. The airport in Singapore felt different. Everything was very clean and colorful, and there were plants everywhere! I felt like I was stepping in to a tropical rainforest!

Singapore Changi Airport

Singapore Changi Airport

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